To run our events, we need volunteers for the following:
A leaflet drop around your local area
Ushering our events
Volunteers to run the bar
Giving your time or expertise with design, fundraising, risk assessments… or anything else you think might be useful.
We want as many of our events to be free or heavily subsidised. For that, we need funding.
If you are able, please donate to Llandaff Cathedral Festival. Every £ and every penny really do count.
Our Supporters
Mrs Carol Able
Mrs Kathryn Burgess
Dr Neil Burgess
Mrs Diane Daniel
Mrs Elisabeth Elias
Mr Gerard Elias QC
Mrs Norma Jarboe
The Venerable Mark Preece
Mrs Michelle Preece
Mrs Linda Quinn MBE
Dr J. Aldon Rees
Mrs Janet Rees
Ms Siân Roberts
The Reverend Canon Dr Sarah Rogers
Members of the Festival
Sponsors of the Festival
The Hodge Foundation
Howell's School, Llandaff, Cardiff
Cardiff Life, Wales
Connect with us
Send us an email to volunteer, perform, make a suggestion, donate or just to say hello.